Saturday, October 10, 2009

My Favorite Web2.0 tools

Web 2.0 is an interactive instead of static experience. As we are experiencing in educ520, we are updating class data sheets, Dr. Jahn is connected to our blog url's so that he is notified when there is a new post, and there is an ability for a constant dialogue that may occur among the users. Facebook, Twitter, social media, LinkedIn, My Space, YouTube, Google Docs, Skype, etc., are all Web 2.0 applications.

Google Docs is a free online alternative to microsoft office. I can see using applications such as Google Docs as being very helpful in maintaining classroom discussions outside of the actual classroom. In the evening, when students may be working on projects or preparing for exams, it would be helpful for both students and parents to be able to have as close as possible to a live dialogue with other users.

Skype is a free tool used for teleconferencing and instant messaging. I also think Skype would be beneficial at some level, however it depends on the accessibility and whether students have the resources for this application. If a student was absent and needed to make up an assignment, perhaps a dialogue using Skype would help in assessing the student, allowing them to participate, ask questions and make up some of the work they missed. One draw-back to this is it could be time consuming and would likely be an evening or after hours situation, unless it was an option to use during prep period. (I am hoping my brother will have access to Skype in Iraq!)

1 comment:

  1. I love your definition. Haven't thought of it in that manner before --- but that's exactly what it is. Hope your brother is able to use Skype, also.
