Saturday, October 3, 2009

Technology In The Classroom

I really didn't think I graduated from college that long ago, but with the almost insurmountable growth that has occurred in the last 10 years it seems like eons. I can't imagine life without these advancements and needless to say, education has certainly evolved in this area. With an enormous amount of information a keystroke away from students, it changes the entire picture of education. Through email, websites, blogs, search engines, ecommerce and other modules we all have access to more information than ever before. Our expectations of teachers and students have grown substantially to include proficiencies in the various technologies. I think it is an exciting time to be entering the field of education as we can incorporate technology into our teaching.

1 comment:

  1. It's exciting to enter the field of education after being out in the work force and raising a family --- and you'll certainly be able to deal with all the challenges from a different perspective.
