Saturday, November 21, 2009

My eFolio

Here is a link to my personal eFolio

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Growth Trends

By charting the raw data for some below average students' test scores, we are able to analyze the growth trends for these students. In the chart, it is obvious that Katherine had a drastic increase on test #7 and a significant dip on test #8. She seemed to make steady improvement on tests 9 and 10. The other students' test scores appear to be gradually improving.

By entering raw data into a spreadsheet and creating a chart, a parent and teacher could easily analyze scores and see how their students are doing. I think this would be a very useful way of utilizing google spreadsheets/charts in the classroom.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Google Docs

Google docs is quick, easy and fun to use. It allows for some creativity and is an organized way of presenting information.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Skype is awesome. I have been on skype periodically the last several weeks with family in Texas and hope my brother has access when he is serving in Iraq (being deployed in a few weeks). I have also used skype with one of my partners this week as we were working on a group project. It was easy to talk and make changes to the presentation as we spoke. The only thing that I have to remember is the minimal delay between exchanges. Otherwise it's great!

Naturalist Intelligence Presentation

I have used google docs presentation a couple of times now and found it to be extremely easy to use. I figured out the entire presentation on my own and had no problems with the format, entering the content onto the slides and adding some pictures. Terah and I also used screentoaster to do our voice over for our Naturalist Intelligence podcast (we needed some help with screentoaster). Interestingly, I also happened to be in a group for ed tech that chose google docs presentation. I am sure I will use google docs presentation in preparing some lessons in the future. I will also use screentoaster now that I have figured it out. I'm certain the issues that I had getting screentoaster going was operator error more than anything. :o)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

My Favorite Web2.0 tools

Web 2.0 is an interactive instead of static experience. As we are experiencing in educ520, we are updating class data sheets, Dr. Jahn is connected to our blog url's so that he is notified when there is a new post, and there is an ability for a constant dialogue that may occur among the users. Facebook, Twitter, social media, LinkedIn, My Space, YouTube, Google Docs, Skype, etc., are all Web 2.0 applications.

Google Docs is a free online alternative to microsoft office. I can see using applications such as Google Docs as being very helpful in maintaining classroom discussions outside of the actual classroom. In the evening, when students may be working on projects or preparing for exams, it would be helpful for both students and parents to be able to have as close as possible to a live dialogue with other users.

Skype is a free tool used for teleconferencing and instant messaging. I also think Skype would be beneficial at some level, however it depends on the accessibility and whether students have the resources for this application. If a student was absent and needed to make up an assignment, perhaps a dialogue using Skype would help in assessing the student, allowing them to participate, ask questions and make up some of the work they missed. One draw-back to this is it could be time consuming and would likely be an evening or after hours situation, unless it was an option to use during prep period. (I am hoping my brother will have access to Skype in Iraq!)

Make It Fun!

Here's a fun video! Learning doesn't have to be a drag - people are more likely to be excited about it and participate, if it's fun!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Technology In The Classroom

I really didn't think I graduated from college that long ago, but with the almost insurmountable growth that has occurred in the last 10 years it seems like eons. I can't imagine life without these advancements and needless to say, education has certainly evolved in this area. With an enormous amount of information a keystroke away from students, it changes the entire picture of education. Through email, websites, blogs, search engines, ecommerce and other modules we all have access to more information than ever before. Our expectations of teachers and students have grown substantially to include proficiencies in the various technologies. I think it is an exciting time to be entering the field of education as we can incorporate technology into our teaching.